Saturday, December 29, 2007

hey you.

yeah. you. your pretty smart. you know when somethings wrong. and you can tell when lie.

......i think you just saved me. again. do that a lot. so this, is for you i gussees.

i can't say id be here with out you.
I love that your my friend,
I love that your so sweet.
i love that i can trust you.
i love you man, in general. you like it?

so yeah,.

Just because I'm 15. does not mean i can't feel. Don't give me this crap its only high school. I mean I'm not putting all my energy in to this God and School are still Top. But i don't know why i feel this why. So shut up! I'm sorry it disappoints you. Well I'm not b/c i don't care what you think. I'm free the feel this way if i want. I dont want to. I cant help! Don't you think i ant these feelings to end? Don't you think iv tried? What makes you think I'm a love - sick little girl? I know its not going to happen, Its just not right. But just b/c I'm not over it. YOU think you can keep me down. WHY???!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!? I don't know what else to do with you.

And leave me alone!!!!!!!! I don't want to talk to you!!!!!!

Little Brid.
Fly high and don't come back.
Test the wings,
Fly away.
Fly away and don't come back.

But please. Before you go.
Take me with you?