Wednesday, January 9, 2008

a book

I'm writing a book. and you are all in it.

if that's okay

I'm going to publish it

by the time James and Ashlie graduate

so im gonna post questions for you to answer

like this one

what is your fav thing to do?

what do you like best in opposite sex (list 6)

i know i know......

its been like post after post today.....

stick with me okay?

hey, who reads my blog?
and how often?

comment your answer please.
b/c how often u read it will depend on when i post.

if u have a blog that i don't know if lemme no.

and sometimes, i write in color when i want to tell u something, but don't want to use ur name

lemme no if you still need a color

i may post more tonight.

kaitie ~peace~

Dear LAV

Thanks for the comment. You think I'm interesting? ha. I'm just a normal teenage girl. But then again, what is normal? I don't think i am normal. ha. I mean, in some ways i am...but I'm really different. looking at me you would never know......mostly i keeps things inside. ) but I'm working on that. lol what started out as a simple thank you, turned into a post about myself..........


ever have one of those days?
where nothing can go right?
and the day was planed out to be wicked awesome......
but it all just fell apart?
and you want to run and cry?
yea. i had one of those days.
it sucked.
and no.
i don't want to talk about it.
at least not with you.
yea, you.
i think.....i mean know i don't want to be alone.
but, sometimes you don't have a choice.
ha. life is funny that way........


i am blessed.
i really am.
today i have LD after school.

James ( my madd hot instructor) Is going to teach me. I AM SO EXCITED.

ha. this can't go well......I'm SUCH a klutz.

And my package comes today.

so today, is one of the BEST days iv had in, well forever.....

be back to blog tonight!

<3 ~peace~