Saturday, March 8, 2008

This is painful.

Wow. This hurts me.
Like a knife thourgh my heart. I write theses words to you.

There comes a time when you need to say good-bye.

long good-byes are to hard.

so just like the 1 small world that stateed it (hello)

i now say



haha im kinda nevous to post this....

Its sucky.

>.< well lemme know what ya think

He came to this earth one december day.
Took our sins and cast them away.
He loved us so he paid the hightest price.
So i beg you take my advice.
I'm telling you to read your bible and pray.
Ask God to come in to your lives today.
You have a chance for entrenal life.
Why not take it?

Thank God

Wow. Ever feel like God is trying to tell you something?

I think... im'm going to do this.

Im nevous. Like really really really nevous..

More nevous then when i first went to Northway.

Then when i talk to a guy i like

Take a test or pretty much do anythimg all rolled in to one. Times 9437986798769 684^98349827493274934792347924372947293472394792347

But i know God has my back.

If i what i try again.

and if it does not hapeen it was not ment to be.

Okay. im cool now.

Still nevous...but wicked excited.

I can do this.

Yea its going to be wicked hard.

Take long hours.

Sleepless nights...(well i dont get sleep much anyways)

i feel like i can do this..........

I know you are all behide me. not going to tell you what it is.

At least not yet.

Okay SO a few of you know...

but be prepared world

Kaitlynn Conleys ready to take you on....

Fell free to guess =p